Please bring a photo ID that includes your name and current address. If you do not live in Charlottesville, Albemarle, Louisa, Greene, or Nelson there is an annual out-of-area fee of $30. To get a In-House use card, you must have a photo ID.
If your photo ID does not have your current address one of the following may be used (these pieces of mail on a mobile device are eligible as well)*:
- Utility bill
- Checks or bank statement
- Lease
- Tax assessment
- Recently postmarked letter
- Voter's registration
- DMV change of address
- Package slips
- Prison discharge documentation
*Patrons using the Haven or the Salvation Army as addresses must provide a letter from either organization verifying proof of residency upon registration.
**Student and employee IDs may qualify as photo IDs as well. However, because addresses are not usually on these IDs, patrons must present proof of address too when applying for their library card.