
Here are some of the most common questions about JMRL's materials and using the catalog.

How can I find out if the library owns a particular item?
Where are my saved lists?

Both the Find It and Classic catalog interfaces have a feature called "Create a List" or "My Lists".

Currently these features are only within the individual interface, therefore the Create a List in Find It is only in Find It and a My List in the Classic interface is only available in Classic.

Where is my Reading or Checkout History?

If your account is set to save your Reading/Checkout history, that information is available in both the Find It and Classic catalog interfaces.

If you wish to Opt In or Opt Out of saving your Reading/Checkout history, remove listed items, or export your Reading/Checkout history, you may do so in the Classic Reading History page.

While your Checkout history is available to view in Find It, it is only available to edit in Classic.

Where are my saved searches?

Both the Find It and Classic catalog interfaces have a feature called "Saved Searches" or "Preferred Searches".

Currently these features are only within the individual interface, therefore a Saved Search in Find It is only in Find It and a Preferred Search in the Classic interface is only available in Classic.

How do I edit my account information?

Some account edit features are available in both the Find It and Classic catalog interfaces.

In Find It, you may edit your preferred library and alternate ID.  In Classic you can edit telephone number, email address, and alternate ID.

How can I freeze my hold?

Freezing holds is a feature currently only available in the Classic catalog interface.

Selecting to freeze a hold will keep your place in the holds list.  When you are ready for the item, you have to go to the Classic catalog interface to unfreeze the hold.

JMRL catalogs

The JMRL catalog is from Integrated Library Service provider Innovative, using the Sierra product.

There are two different interfaces to access and experience the entire collection:  Find It and Classic.


About the Find It catalog

Find It is a modernized interface built in the open-source application VuFind.  It is an updated experience similar to more current catalog websites with large book covers, carousels, and full integration in JMRL's website:

About the Classic catalog

Classic is the base interface provided in Sierra.  It is a simplified experience for users who do not wish to see a lot of additional content:



Catalog Updates & Improvements

While JMRL continuously works to improve and expand the library collection, we also work to improve and expand the features and functionality of the catalog.

Check back here for information about recent and ongoing updates to both the Find It and Classic catalog interfaces.

Find It improvements

  • Updates to the “Your Holds” page includes a new dropdown with Sort options for Status and Hold Placed (newest or oldest) options. Also holds statuses now have a color code bar next to each hold to indicate transit status.
    • If the book is available, it appears indented and with a green bar on the side. If it's in transit, the bar is blue. If it's still waiting, then there's no bar.
  • Button options in the Hold and Checkout pages have been made clearer
  • Format options in search results has been made clearer

Notice about Find It Lists:

  • To improve list functionality, some list data has been reprocessed. Please delete any unwanted lists you may see under your account.

Classic Catalog improvements

  • Bookmobile patrons now can add a note of which Bookmobile stop to pickup their holds (classic catalog only)