Meeting Room Request

All of our library locations offer free public meeting rooms available to a group representative with a valid JMRL library card. To book a room, fill out this this form.  You must have a Meeting Room Registration Form on file at the branch you wish to reserve a room.  You may attach it to this booking.  If you or your group wish to use library-supplied microphones, projectors, or other A/V devices an Audio-Visual Equipment Use form must be on file as well, which can be attached to this booking.

Reservations are made on a first-come, first served basis. Rooms are booked for the current month, plus three months in advance.  Review the Meeting Room, Conference Room, and Privacy Pod Procedures.

The fact that a group is permitted to use a room does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group's policies or beliefs by JMRL. Scheduled meetings may be superseded by Library-sponsored activities. See JMRL Policy 5.1

Your Name:
Do you already have a Meeting Room Registration Form on file?
Upload requirements
Do you already have an Audio-Visual Equipment Use Form on file?
Upload requirements